Promote your Ads and sell fast

Make your ads stand out to receive up to 10x more responses for affordable prices.

Why promotions?

Take your ad to the next level. Our paid promotions offer ideal placement and unique, eye-catching characteristics to help you get the most out of your AutoMe experience. Ads with features receive more replies than ads without. More replies mean better deals and a faster route to success.

There are 5 unique promotions to choose from. Once you’ve chosen the type of promotion you’d like, you can apply it to your ad in only a few minutes.

Bump Up

Sometimes an old ad just needs a bit of a boost to get the attention it deserves. The Bump Up feature is refresh of old ads, making them appear new. It pushes your ad from its current position (for example, page 5) back to the first page. Being on the top page means that your ad will gain better exposure in its category and searches.

The Bump Up feature will reset the post date of your ad; however, it won't extend the life of your ad. If you want your ad to stay at the top for a longer period of time, consider the Featured promotion.

Up to 2x more views and replies
Send your ad back to the top of the listings page
Ads near the top get more views and more replies
Your ad can be Bumped Up for 3,7 or 14 days


Our Urgent feature lets other users know that you’re not looking to waste time. It places the word 'Urgent' on your ad in eye-catching, red lettering. Not only will it stand out in the queues, but other users will know that you’re serious about selling your item. The Urgent label can be seen when your ad appears in the search results. There’s also a filter option to let users search exclusively for Urgent ads.

This feature is intended to help your ad stand out. It does not change the position of your ad in the general listings.

Up to 3x more views and replies
Ideal if you need quick replies
An Urgent message appears on your ad
Buyers can search specifically for urgent ads
Your ad can be marked Urgent for 3,7 or 14 days


Spotlight is a premium spot at the top of the search results and in the home page for showcasing your ad and getting immediate attention from potential buyers. This allows your ad to get all of the same views it would regularly, while also appearing outside of its category to more viewers. To get the most value out of this promotion, make sure you add great-looking photos while posting your ad.

How does the Spotlight work?

Spotlight ads are visually appealing - with big images and clean design to attract more views. Each Spotlight ad is given an equal chance of being shown in all the premium spots, with up to 8 ads being shown automatically to every user. In addition to Spotlight, your ad is also posted as a regular ad. So you can add other promotions to your regular ad too.

Up to 5x more views and replies
Appear in premium spot at the top of the every search results page
Your ad will appear in the home page
Visually appealing with big images and clean design
You can feature your ad for 3, 7 or 14 days

Super Ad

Super Ad is the best value for money promotion that we offer. It includes all the other Bump Up, Urgent, Featured and Spotlight promotions with customized social media ad campaign for your advert.

How does the Super Ad work?

Once you apply this promotion, our social media team will create a bespoke Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns for your advert to reach the maximum number of potential buyers during the selected promotion period. So you will be able to sell your car in no time.

In addition to this our marketing team will optimize your listing to attract more buyers and send an email campaign to all our registered users with a link to your ad. You will have access to our internal support team to discuss any further requirements to sell your car and you will receive help from us through out the selling process.

At the end of the promotion you will receive a comprehensive report showing the progress of all the campaigns.

Up to 10x more views and replies
Customized Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns
We will send an email campaign to all our users
Ad listing optimization
Receive help from our experts
Advanced analytics and reports
You can feature your ad for 3, 7 or 14 days